Property Valuation | Financial Instruments | Model Review

Valuation Review

Singapore Office with International Office

Connect with us

A “reviewer” is a professional valuer engaged to review the work of another valuer. As part of a review, that professional may perform certain valuation procedures and/or provide an opinion of value.

Review of valuation inputs and assumptions

The purpose of the valuation, the basis of value, the extent and limits on the investigations and any sources of information that may be relied upon are part of the valuation assignment’s scope of work that must be communicated to all parties to the valuation assignment. Our reviews endeavor to enhance the credibility of valuation.

the scope of the work performed to the extent that each is applicable to the assignment,

the approach or approaches adopted,

the method or methods applied,

the key inputs used,

the assumptions made,

the conclusion(s) of value and principal reasons for any conclusions Reached

Scope of Review

A review of the model’s logic;

A review of the model’s consistency with financial and contractual documentation;

A review of the model’s consistency with relevant accounting or financial reporting requirements;

A sensitivity analysis

Relevant Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) / Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) (“SFRS(I)”)

International Accounting Standards (“IAS”)

International Valuation Standards (“IVS”) published by International Valuation Standards Council

Reach Us at
Our Global Locations

Singapore Office

8 Temasek Boulevard,
Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988

+65 8889 1148 (whatsapp only)

[email protected]

Hong Kong Office

Unit 2106, 21/F, Futura
111-113 How Ming St, Kwun
Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Shanghai Office

