Our team has hand on experience in valuation of mining assets (mining valuation) in accordance with VALMIN Code. VALMIN Code is the Code for the Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities for Independent Expert Reports. Our team has also abundant experience in working with mining companies for compliance with listing rules of SGX. With regard to Petroleum, those quantities of Petroleum anticipated to be commercially recoverable by the application of development projects to known accumulations from a given date forward under defined conditions.
Bridging the gap between different local standards and the JORC Code. JORC Code represents the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, as published by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee, as amended from time to time.
Operating Cost Assessment for Mining Valuation
- workforce employment;
- consumables;
- fuel, electricity, water and other services;
- on and off-site administration;
- environmental protection and monitoring;
- transportation of workforce;
- product marketing and transport;
- non-income taxes, royalties and other governmental charges; and contingency allowances;
Risk Assessment for Mining Project
- Project risks arising from environmental, social, and health and safety issues;
- Risk assessment on any non-governmental organisation impact on sustainability of mineral and/or exploration projects;
- Review compliance with host country laws, regulations and permits, and payments made to host country governments in respect of tax, royalties and other significant payments on a country by country basis;
- Review sufficiency funding plans for remediation, rehabilitation and, closure and removal of facilities in a sustainable manner;
- Review environmental liabilities of its projects or properties;
Hands-on experience in
Nickel Deposit
iron ores
petroleum assets
gold mines
Country Experience

Extended Scope of Work
Exploration Planning
Project Feasibility Studies
Reserve / Resource Estimation
Developing sophisticated geologic models
Mine and Mineral Property Valuation
Preparing reports compliant with Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC), SEC , National Instrument (NI) 43-101, or PERC
Project Technical Reviews Audits and Due Diligence Studies
Project Appraisals – mining engineering