Brand Valuation

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In today’s challenging marketplace, your brand’s value is the foundation of your business success. Let us, at Valtech, help navigate this complex landscape!

With an impressive track record in international brand valuations, we rigorously follow ISO 10668 guidelines to help you understand your brand’s true strength and market position. 

Our precise methodologies and extensive market insights will ensure your valuations accurately reflect the true financial worth of your brand. 

Valtech Valuation. Partner with us and elevate your brand’s value in the competitive global marketplace! 

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Our Global Locations

Singapore Office

8 Temasek Boulevard,
Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988

+65 8889 1148 (whatsapp only)

[email protected]

Hong Kong Office

Unit 2106, 21/F, Futura
111-113 How Ming St, Kwun
Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Shanghai Office

