Asset Valuation Services for Immigration Purposes

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Planning on moving countries? Valtech can provide you with accurate, reliable asset valuations you can trust and file with confidence!  

From the shares of private companies to real estate and financial assets, our precise valuations ensure that your wealth is thoroughly and accurately assessed.

Our precise valuations will support your move and journey with undisputed credibility, especially to immigration authorities. 

Valtech Valuation. Securing your future with certified asset validations. Partner with us for your upcoming big move! 

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Our Global Locations

Singapore Office

8 Temasek Boulevard,
Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988

+65 8889 1148 (whatsapp only)

[email protected]

Hong Kong Office

Unit 2106, 21/F, Futura
111-113 How Ming St, Kwun
Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Shanghai Office

